Korišćena oprema
- Mašine
- Korišćena oprema
- Energija i transport
- Delovi i servis
- Radni priključci
- 3D i 2D automatizacija mehanizacije
- Tretman otpada
- Drobljenje i prosejavanje
Today we are facing a situation that is new for all of us and that can raise certain concerns about ourselves, colleagues and business partners. In this context, we would like to assure you that Teknoxgroup is faithful to its commitments and ready to guarantee you the best service.
In accordance with government recommendations we have put high security measures in place to protect the health of everyone; customers and employees alike.
For more information regarding the operations in our territories, please consult our local pages:
Slovenia: https://www.teknoxgroup.com/si/domov/
Croatia: https://www.teknoxgroup.com/hr/naslovna/
Bosnia and Herzegovina: https://www.teknoxgroup.com/ba/naslovna/
Serbia: https://www.teknoxgroup.com/rs/domov/
Montenegro: https://www.teknoxgroup.com/me/naslovna/
North Macedonia: https://www.teknoxgroup.com/mk/prva-ctrana/
Kosovo: https://www.teknoxgroup.com/kosovo/kreu/
Albania: https://www.teknoxgroup.com/al/kreu/
Stay well!