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Cat® Shears are at home in the scrapyard and on the demolition site. Whether being used on an Ultra-High Demolition machine to bring down multi-story building, or boom mounted to process scrap, these shears are built to produce and endure, giving your customers lasting value.
The Cat Mobile Scrap & Demolition Shear range consists of six models, designed for use on Cat Excavators ranging in size from 303.5 through 390, wheeled excavators M315 through M322, and Cat skid steer loaders ranging in size from 236 through 287.
Cat Shears are designed for Cat machines — taking full advantage of the hydraulic flows and pressures to enhance productivity without compromising safety or causing premature wear of the shear and carrier.
Click here to watch Cat shears at work
Model | Throat Force | Apex Force | Tip Force | Specifications |
S305 | 1.812 kN | 653 kN | 385 kN | Specalog |
S320B | 3.706 kN | 1.583 kN | 892 kN | Specalog |
S325B | 5.562 kN | 2.221 kN | 1.274 kN | Specalog |
S340B | 6.818 kN | 2.751 kN | 1.558 kN | Specalog |
S365C | 10.342 kN | 3.754 kN | 2.008 kN | Specalog |
S385C | 12.509 kN | 4.696 kN | 2.481 kN | Specalog |